Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Decide to Serve - 7 Decisions of a Woman Pastor

A lot is being said about women empowerment and women in ministry as of late. I could tell a few personal stories of questioning, discouragement, injustice, or dumb things people have said...but I think I'd rather spend time expressing gratitude for those who have inspired and encouraged me to simply do what God has called me to do. There have been soooo, many. Men and women who have encouraged me to try. Men and women who have given me position. Men and women who are willing to follow my leadership. I'm overwhelmed by the love and support I have found.
At the end of the day, my mission is to serve Jesus and to serve others. If I gain influence, so be it...if I do not, so be it. I refuse to make the issue of "women in ministry" my mission. If others (male or female) are inspired to live out their callings by the way I serve, that's a nice additional blessing, but it is not the mission. It's all about Jesus and helping people find and follow Him.
While I have not run a perfect race (not even close). There are a few decisions I make to keep myself humbly on this mission, sometimes I forget to live by these decisions. So to remind myself of how I want to live, here goes...
1. I decide to run the race marked out for me (and everyone else can decide what to do with me).
2. I decide to love, appreciate, and learn from those who don't hold the same view on this as me. (why cut myself off from growth?)
3. I decide that when given opportunities because "a female voice is needed at the table" I will not take offense at that and sit at the table, and speak up and bring my best.
4. I decide I will not fall prey to a comparison trap demanding things be fair everywhere I go, because they are not, and looking for fairness leads me to become pretty self-absorbed. (this can be hard to do, but I like myself better when I don't let my "justice button" get the best of me)
5. I decide the best voice I have towards empowering women is not to be an activist through words, but by action. (that's kind of the meaning of the word). I'm going to live this way and raise up as many men and women leaders as possible, and that's what will bring change.
6. I decide to honor those who have inspired, encouraged, empowered, and equipped me in ministry with sincere expressions of gratitude and by continually bringing my best.
7. But most of all I decide to serve, lead, love and live unbelievably amazed and in awe that "I get to do this! Seriously?!?!" - To God be all the glory.

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